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Our Partnerships

Inspiring and helping each other is the way to get things done!


Enviro Fixers is about community and working together for a common good. We are committed to working within our community for the upliftment of all our residents. To this end we have some partnered with some amazing partners both within our community and nationally.


Our focus is not only the flora and fauna but also the upkeep and maintenance of our Neighbourhood and to this end we have partnered with Business in Broadway Precinct and Marshall Security to form The heart of Durban North. Our goal is to clean, green, maintain and guard the central business area. The belief is that if we maintain our streets then people will feel safe, and a community atmosphere can grow.


The essential green belt and lung that Beachwood provides is an issue very close to our hearts. Not only is it a recreational area but it also provides a fundamental role in our environment. We support Friends of Beachwood in all their endeavours.


Enviro Fixers is a friend of WESSA, and we gain knowledge and mentorship from their local charter.


Enviro Fixers is the action arm of The Durban North Conservancy and are therefore a member of Conservancies KZN. We gain support, guidance from the organisation as well as a meeting of minds and common goals.

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We think you’ll agree that everything in life needs to be shown a little love, in order to grow...


We all play different roles in making the of Durban North safer and greener for our community! We can only do what we do with the help and support of our community! And we love it when our local of Durban North residents step in!

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"I can do things you cannot,
you can do things I cannot;
together we can do great things"

- Mother Teresa

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Friends of Beachwood

Friends of Beachwood  is a group of interested and involved community members and organisations, focused on the betterment of Beachwood and surrounds for enjoyment of all.


Passionate about the environment, in support of recreation and tourism, we enjoy all things local, and believe strongly in the power of community.


Friends of Beachwood formed as a coalition of individuals, organisations and NGO’s standing together to retain Beachwood as a recreational amenity and open space available to all. We believe the area is a community and environmental asset that needs safeguarding for future generations.

"The best partnerships aren’t dependent on a mere common goal but on a shared path of equality, desire, and no small amount of passion"
- Sarah MacLean

People caring for the earth

WESSA (the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa) is a South African environmental organisation which aims to initiate and support high impact environmental and conservation projects to promote participation in caring for the Earth. For over 90 years we have proactively engaged with the challenges and opportunities presented by our country’s unique natural heritage and the social and economic systems that depend on it.


"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success"
- Henry Ford


Conservancies KZN
Communities in Conservation

Conservancies KZN (KwaZulu-Natal Conservancies Association) is the largest and most active voluntary conservation organisation in South Africa. 


Originally, a Conservancy was a privately owned piece of land under conservation, usually a farm or wilderness area. Today, Conservancies are defined as the organisation; in other words the people are the Conservancy, not the conservation area itself. Ordinary people, from all walks of life, make up Conservancies. Conservancies are now found in suburban, rural, river, farm, estuary, coastal, industrial, institutional and residential estate areas.

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